Interviews & Media
Commentary on leadership, Marketing and innovation.
In business and marketing, there’s a robust collection of publications and media where I’ve always enjoyed discussing marketing, brand and leadership innovation and representing my companies to gain awareness and improve brand sentiment. There are so many bright and intelligent people in the business, love engaging and sharing ideas with them.
Marketing Strategies from the Top, With Paul Marobella
An Interview With Candice Georgiadis
Sweat the details. In any medium, focus on the quality of the production, the art in the casting, detail in the music and narrative. The best creatives and brands understand that the little things matter in the context of an award-winning campaign. Make people feel something through the flawless execution.
Forbes Council by-line
Being a Modern CMO in 2021/2022 requires more than just a knowledge of integrated marketing. The best are focused on growth, creativity, commerce and building community.
One-Word Answers With Chairman & CEO, Paul Marobella
by Lindsey Stein, Campaign
What's your favorite part of working in this industry? Originality.
Name the one thing that most marketers are overthinking today. Risk-taking.
What quality do you look for the most in new talent? Heart.
Paul Marobella Has The Blueprint For Brand Marketing In Modern World by Julian Mitchell
We’re the first industry to talk about innovation and disruption, but we’re really slow to act on it. People don’t like change, but one thing I’ve learned is that change is the only constant. That’s why I’ve grown to love change.
How marketers steer their brands forward.
by Paul Talbot, Forbes
Paul Marobella: The fact is, there is an almost Darwinian effect happening - forced by the pandemic - on which brands will survive. The path a brand takes to a consumer, and vice versa, is shifting with accelerating velocity.
Does parasite’s oscar success symbolise a shift in global cultural power?
Paul Marobella: I am hopeful that Parasite opens people’s minds to experiencing movies/content with subtitles and to experience other cultures as a result. The world of storytelling opens up when we have open minds. I see Parasite winning as the shortening of distance between cultures versus a shift in power.
5 ideas for leading from your living room
Here are five ideas to help you adjust to the new normal of leading your teams from your living room, bedroom, porch, home office or the fantasy Zoom background you’ve created.
cannes conversation
By Larissa Faw, MediaPost
Clients are no longer seeking specific talent or seeking to reach a particular culture, he says, adding it is no longer about the "song of the summer," but "song of the week."
havas chicago has a new office space
No offices, no hierarchical seating, just a funky collective with graffiti art, a soda fountain, a bubble hockey table and a mission to disrupt the conventional ad agency model for fun and profit.
Which brands impressing execs during the pandemic?
By Lindsey Stein & Oliver McAteer, Campaign
I'm always impressed when a brand spends creative and media dollars asking you not to use their brand. It feels like a Jedi mind trick but very appropriate and clever during the shelter-in-place orders. Uber's, "Thank You For Not Riding Uber" is at the top of my list for brands I've been impressed with during the COVID-19 crisis.
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade mascots: Who is the favorite?
By Ollie McAteer
Paul Marobella, Chairman and CEO, Havas Creative North America
It’s always Snoopy for me. This parade brings us back to our youth if not just for a few minutes and Snoopy is the universal symbol of that, plus he shows up different every year because, as Charles Schultz told us, he has over 100 alter egos and was never satisfied with being just a beagle. Astronaut Snoopy representing hope and vision is my favorite.
A love letter to advertising
I still wake up every day with the same feeling I did on my first day in the business. I’m proud of what I do. I love being at the center of creativity and commerce, at the crux of where people decide how to enhance their lives with brands and where loyalty exists beyond reason. At every stage of my career, I have been asked to transform a company to what’s next and in some small way drive the agenda of an industry.
A hip office space with a barber shop
When it renovated its office, the company wanted a space that celebrated culture with cutting-edge art, hip music and modern office design. CEO Paul Marobella showed us around.
the best onboarding welcome kits
We give out a swag bag and even has an onboarding theater, complete with a neon Havas sign and leather bucket seats. The agency also plays this video. “Day One is the most important day in your new employee’s time at your company,” said CEO Paul Marobella. “Our Day One program is built to indoctrinate them into our way of thinking, what we value, how we have fun and what to expect on their journey.”
Chicago Culture
2016 Interview: Havas Chicago has received a ton of recognition for its top-notch culture. How important is the employee experience to the success of the agency?